


Explore New Visual Perspectives with an 艺术 Degree

Develop a strong foundation of design and art history, while refining your artistic process. As you advance through the program, discover your own style and learn to critique your work.

为什么要在圣. 爱德华的?

Our distinguished faculty in the Visual 艺术s department are well-known artists whose work has been widely exhibited across the country and frequently showcased.


奥斯丁是美国唯一一个.S. designated as a “Creative City of Media 艺术s” by 联合国教科文组织. You don’t have to walk too far off of the hilltop to experience the lively murals across Austin. St. 爱德华的 is also surrounded by dozens of art museums and nonprofits, 这意味着无尽的艺术探索, artists' lectures and workshops to attend, and opportunities to exhibit your work.


In 艺术 and Activism, you’ll learn about art making as a means of social action and activism. You’ll study artists working in social practice, 政治艺术, 以及其他艺术行动主义项目, 然后与利益相关者接触, 像非营利组织, 把他们的愿景变为现实.

来访的艺术家 & 专业人士

全年, you’ll learn from visiting artists who share their artistic vision and experiences in the field. Past visiting artists have included artist and writer for Marvel Comics David Mack, African-American artist Letitia Huckaby, 土耳其裔美国艺术家图鲁·巴亚尔, artist-activists Robert Shetterly and Lily Yeh and social-practice artist Pato Hebert.


艺术 majors have recently interned at 当代奥斯汀, 女性 & 他们的工作, 奥斯汀市公共艺术部, 艺术pace圣安东尼奥, 以及黛博拉·罗伯茨的工作室, an internationally-acclaimed and Austin-based artist.

艺术教授, 霍利斯哈蒙德 shows art to a student during a study abroad trip to Paris, France.
“Beyond providing young people with technical know-how, I hope to open their minds to new ideas and successful approaches to problem solving, brainstorming techniques and experimenting without reservation.”
霍利斯哈蒙德 艺术教授


Through applied learning in your courses, 在艺术界实习, 与来访艺术家互动, and exhibitions in the Fine 艺术s Gallery on campus, you’ll learn about the landscape of arts careers and find your niche.

A few examples of courses students take in the major:

  • 当代艺术问题 – Focuses on recent art, artists and art world (from museums to the market). Materials will be framed in the context of the era, 包括对形式主义的介绍, 女权主义, 心理, 以及解构主义批评. 
  • 绘画:方法 – Focuses on fundamental painting techniques from direct observation. Emphasis is placed on the plastic medium of paint as it relates to pictorial representation, color, form, 纹理, 和空间.
  • 粘土:Handbuilding – Introduces handbuilding techniques involved in the ceramics process. Through demonstrations and discussions, students will learn fundamental handbuilding methods, 表面处理, 以及工具和设备的使用. Students complete projects employing coil, pinch, slab, and additive/subtractive modeling techniques.


Upon completing the Acting program, you’ll be ready to…

  • Sharpen your skills in 画, painting, printmaking, clay and sculpture.
  • Explore various mediums through your electives in classes like Installation 艺术 and 当代艺术问题
  • Gain professional skills through assisting artists in their studios or installing exhibits. 
  • Develop independent creative work and prepare an installation.
  • Interact with working artists and expand your professional network.


艺术 majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子:

  • San Antonio contemporary art gallery 艺术pace
  • The studio of internationally acclaimed, Austin-based artist Deborah Roberts
  • MOHA (Museum of Human Achievement), a multidisciplinary art space in Austin
  • 当代奥斯汀
  • 奥斯汀市公共艺术系
  • 女性 & 他们在东奥斯汀的画廊


主要要求: The Bachelor of 艺术s with a major in 艺术 requires 58 hours of core coursework. Students focus on media exploration and skill development through courses in painting, 画, 版画和雕塑. 艺术 history courses support both contextual and conceptual development that is essential for emerging artists, and students conclude their studies through the culminating experience course sequence: Senior Studio I and II, which require the development of an independent creative project, a senior exhibition in the Fine 艺术s Gallery, 还有一篇论文

通识教育要求: The 艺术 degree requires an average of 38-44 hours of general education courses that students complete over four years in addition to their major courses and electives.


查看并下载完整版 我们艺术专业的学位计划.

Students who wish to earn an 艺术 minor must take the following coursework, 共计24小时, with at least 9 hours of upper-division coursework. 包括四门必修课程: 

  • 艺术与设计基础
  • 画我
  • 粘土:Handbuilding
  • 艺术史I或艺术史II

Students select three elective courses in 艺术 History I, 艺术史II, 绘画II或水彩画I, 雕塑:材料, 或粘土:掷轮.

你现在是学生吗? 联系你的导师 for next steps on declaring your major or minor.