


The preserve offers almost three miles of beautiful trails for hiking. 在工作日, there is no day-use fee and no reservations are required. To visit on weekends and holidays, reservations are required and a nominal day-use fee is charged. Designated trails are open to the public every day from sunrise to sunset.

  • Parking is limited, and the entrance gate will close whenever the parking area is full. 游客画廊从早上8点开始开放.m. 到3点.m. 星期一至星期五.  停车场设有室外厕所设施.
  • Wild Basin is a nature preserve, where everything is protected. 请沿着小路走,跟着走 不留痕迹的七项原则 在您访问期间. Pets, bikes, smoking/fire, weapons, drones, picnics, and collecting are prohibited. 
  • 野生盆地野生保护区位于北纬805号. 德州高速公路首府,奥斯汀,得克萨斯州,78746.


If you want to visit Wild Basin on a weekend or federal holiday, 你需要预订一张登山通行证, 哪一种能坚持三个小时. Simply book online, 或打电话 (512) 327-7622 to learn more and make your reservation.



目前圣. 爱德华大学的学生、教师和工作人员都使用这个 预订链接 to make their free hiking reservation for weekends and federal holidays (have your ID number handy).




了解更多关于教育实地考察的信息, 项目, 课程, 教训, videos and more offered through 野生盆地创意研究中心. 







  • 驻场艺术家 艺术品的接待
    • 晚秋活动(日期和时间待定).
The image depicts a wooden directional signpost in a natural setting. An upward-pointing arrow indicates the direction to a waterfall. 左边的箭头指向一条小溪. The right-pointing arrow possibly indicates a trail or area named Yaupon. The signpost is surrounded by trees and foliage, suggesting it's located in a park or nature reserve.


The preserve is open for self-guided hiking every day from sunrise to sunset, 周末和联邦假日需要预订. 

Be prepared for rugged Hill Country terrain and varying weather conditions. Bring water to carry with you on the trail, as well as our handy trail map.

The image captures an indoor scene where a group of individuals are gathered, 有的坐着,有的站着. 一个穿着红衬衫的孩子背对着镜头站着, 拿着照相机或手机,好像在拍照. Two monitors display wildlife images; one shows an insect, and the other is partially visible. Above the monitors, text reads "ZOOM INTO WILD BASIN." On the wall, there's text related to an artist residency program.


我们的访客廊, 位于创意研究中心的底层, 平日上午8点至8点开放.m. 还有3p.m. The Gallery hosts a number of educational and engaging interactive exhibits. The Center has public restrooms, a water cooler and other amenities available to visitors.

  • 周末: During 2024 the visitor gallery will be open on the first and second Saturday of each month from 8:30-11:30 a.m.


To protect the preserve and prevent overuse, Travis County approved a new day-use fee system. Registration and day-use fees are required on weekends and holidays only, 当参观人数达到顶峰的时候. During the 50 years of free and unlimited public access to Wild Basin trails, 自然区域明显受到破坏. 人类的影响,如穿越小径, 植物的伤害, and increased trash and traffic overwhelm the natural creek basin. Managing the number of visitors and collecting a small fee supports preserve operational costs and helps Wild Basin staff in their work to conserve and restore the preserve.


如果需要周末的经济援助,你可以 网上申请费用减免 或致电512-327-7622或发电子邮件 wb_reservations@sentrymagazine.com.

网上提前报名 只有周末和联邦假日才需要. 在工作日, 免费入场,无需预约, 但是只要停车场满了,大门就会关闭. 如果您的团队在工作日超过5辆车,请致电或发电子邮件 wbasin@sentrymagazine.com 至少提前7天协调. 停车场很小,空间有限.

学校 and community groups are eligible for free tours and educational 项目. 欲了解更多信息, 365比分网电竞.

每次预订最多可乘坐一辆车,最多可乘坐6人. All individuals and vehicles in your group must be included in your reservation(s).

野生盆地的小径 total almost 3 miles and take guests from the top of a hill at the Creative 研究 Center down to the basin of Bee Creek. 最短的循环,阿罗约Vista在0.6英里,包括在风景秀丽的观景台停留. Hikers can explore a longer hike with creek crossings along the Creek Loop, at 1.5英里. Ledge Trail是0的中间选项.沿着天然石灰岩露头走8英里. 林地小径陡峭多石, and contains some of the largest Ashe juniper specimens along the trails. 差不多2英里, 优朋环线是最长的步道, 穿过比溪沿着保护区的南部边界.

Whichever trail you choose, prepare to hike over a period of 2 hours across rugged, rocky terrain. 所有参加者应穿露趾鞋, 根据天气穿合适的衣服, 带上水走在路上. 建议戴上太阳帽,涂上防晒霜. 携带印刷的或数码的 野生盆地步道图.

If you have reserved a hiking pass (as required for weekends or holidays), you’ll need to exit the preserve at the end of your hiking session time slot. 在工作日,从日出到日落都可以参观.

游客画廊周一至周五上午8点开放.m.–3 p.m. 周末不营业. No water is available on site when the visitor gallery is closed. 停车场里有一个移动厕所. 

No. 野盆地是自然保护区,不是公园. Pets can disturb habitat and disrupt the behavior of native wildlife.

No. 作为自然保护区的一部分, Bee Creek's waters and wildlife are all protected and must not be disturbed. 

No. 无论晴雨,预订都有效."

电子邮件 wb_reservations@sentrymagazine.com 或打电话 512-327-7622 取消您的预订. 你必须提前24小时取消全额退款.

如果需要周末的经济援助,你可以 网上申请费用减免. 您也可以通过电子邮件请求减免费用 wb_reservations@sentrymagazine.com 或者打电话 512-327-7622.  请允许48小时回复请求.

St. 365比分网电竞 manages daily operations at the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve (through a joint agreement with Travis County) and also manages the 野生盆地创意研究中心. Travis County oversees the land management of the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve, ensuring adherence to the terms of the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan. 


St. 365比分网电竞 野生盆地创意研究中心 is located within Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve. This 227-acre nature preserve is co-owned and co-managed by Travis County and St. 365比分网电竞, and is a treasured resource for our entire community.